Our people unite time, geography, faith and talent. It comes from shared values, beliefs and honouring our ways. We are a tribe, not a family. We work and play in many different places, we adapt our thought and behaviour to suit and respect these wonderfully different people and places.
Being a part of Wiley is about showing up, progressing and making your mark. Being innovative, inspirational and on the journey to a better future.
I’m inspired about helping people to be the best they can be. I am all about championing our culture, and building inspirational teams, to reach our goals together. At Wiley, we court our future collegues because joining our tribe is a two way street. We grow out people through challenging and stretching their thinking, everyday. Our culture is defined by our people, and it’s strength is thread between each of us, to each of us.

Our tribes and teams
Diverse groups and strong leadership grow an agile business allowing for the best collection of ideas, creativity and innovation, and a group that support each other to stretch and deliver the best result.
Synergy means the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions…
What that means for us is riding as a pack we are fast paced, more agile, smarter and we get there together. We take turns out in front and shoulder the responsibility. We trust each other, allowing the pack to respond to our rapidly changing world instinctively. We encourage each other along the way to make it to the finish line!
Throughout our business we are grouped by our geography ever-changing as our sites and markets do. Not limited by our geography, we collect together based on our specialties in what we call knowledge tribes. “We are one, but we are many”.
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” Harry S. Truman
The photograph in the background is some of the women from the Wiley Wheelers teaming up to complete the 100km Ride for Diabetes from Brisbane to the Gold Coast.

The team accepting 3 Australian Institute of Building awards – Ken Rachael Logan Anthony Jason Graham Kev and Andrew
What makes a Wiley team effective?
These are our guiding principles for effective project teams.
We are all on the team. Support each other to be the our best. Respect each other, give and receive great feedback. Judge less, help more.
Strive for the best environment. Try and do better rather than perfect. Focus on what you WILL do. Blame helps no one. Agree on behaviours.
Have structure and be clear on the mission, roles, plans and goals. Agree and commit to what is to be done, and get it done together.
Know what you can count on each other for, and create a team where everyone is comfortable to speak up.
Widen the thinking pool and bring together people who approach things differently, who think differently. Diversity gets results.
Understand your teammates’ strengths, what is meaningful, what impact you each have, what biases you bring, what abilities.
True success is a win-win outcome. Get great at collaborating and always aspire to a mutually desirable result.
This is Jane with an excellent example of supporting a tribe.